Friday, March 14, 2008

Update for the last few days

Hello, Cyber World!

Well I just stuffed my gut with a burger and chips(Burgerfuel - best burgers ever!). SOOOO..... I would like to draw everyones attention (yes, all 1 of my readers, counting me) to an awesome chicky and her interesting blog, Nikki Knickers and

Try it. Go on, I dare you. She is the inspiration behind all of my hermit-like tendencies.

In other news, I haven't done any knitting this week. Oh no, I lie, I did a row to my fingerless mittens whilst sitting on my bedroom floor waiting from my computer to reboot. Why is it, my computer has to be restarted 20 times before it does what it is told? I live with 2 computer technicians, and both of my computers have issues!

I think I am dying. DYING. I have a bad feeling that the dull, aching pain hovering somewhere on my lower left abdomen is something more serious, as it has been there for 3 whole days and worsening. (is that a word?) I'll let you know when they amputate.

Have actually had a good week, have been swimming twice this week, and going again tomorrow and I am really enjoying that, as well as the early morning walk I took with a friend on Wednesday. Did a proposal on the big project I am researching this year, but only got 70% on it, which was a bit disappointing, but i learnt a lot doing the readings for it so that's good. Hmmmmmmmm..... My awesome friend Stella told me about her stupid restaurant boss who yells at her everyday - yesterday, her 16th day of work in a row, he said she was "fucken appalling" at customer service - this is about a woman who has worked in an elite, home-style cafe/guesthouse since she was about ten, as well as working in a flash restaurant in Auckland City, with no complaint about her waitressing skills... Plus she is about the nicest person I know - she is never in a bad mood, and doesn't let anything bother her. I want to hit this boss guy, how dare he pick on the one person that won't say anything back? I think he has short-man-syndrome. GRRRRRRRR

Enough of this blog for today. ciao xx

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