Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i wish

I wish I had a lamborghini Galado....(sp?)

Or a ferrari enzo. Or maybe a just lots of money. My gosh unemployment gives you big dreams!

So the wedding is over - I officially have a sister-in-law, which makes Nikki my sister-in-law's sister. But I like to say I just got 6 new sisters and 2 new brothers, regardless of their law-ness and step-ness and almost-step-ness. Telling stories about your siblings when there is only one is boring. The ceremony was beautiful - I held it together and refrained from becoming the blubbering mess I usually am when I am happy, so that's good! Photo's will be on Nikki's page and we're all tagged on Chris's facebook, but my camera stayed in my bag at all times. Silly puppet. The reception was great also, I played some piano and Annabelle sang (we did Alicia Keys, No One) and Jute and Gaz seemed to really like it so that was good. This is the most boring account of a wedding ever. My creative writing skills SUCK. I think I am tired. It was an amazing day anyway.


I neeeeeeeeeed a job.

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