Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Return of the Husband

Hello again!

Yesterday morning I collected my husby from the airport.  He's back for a few days - so I was interested to see how challenging or not the challenge is for me while he is here.  Hard to say so far - I enjoy the extra help in the kitchen (he is the main cook), and I enjoy having someone to talk to which takes my mind off eating.  However, I don't like him offering me a taste of a Dorito Shape, or the open packet of Toffee Pops next to the bed.

It's not too bad, this is my journey and there is temptation around every corner, I can handle it.

In other news I had a nightmare last night - I was back home in Rotoma, and we all sat down to lunch in the old dining room.  Afterwards, I was doing the dishes, and I realized I HAD NOT FOLLOWED THE MEAL PLAN!  It was a TERRIBLE feeling - my fears come true - absentmindedly falling off the wagon.

I have decided to weigh myself every Monday.  I am not looking forward to my weigh in this coming Monday - I know I won't have lost near the 2.7kg I did last week, and I don't want to be disappointed.  The fact is, over the 8 weeks, I know there are going to be some weeks where I lose hardly anything.  And that's okay - although I have a weight loss target, my real goal is to sticking to the meal plan for the whole 8 weeks.  I'm already making a list of things I want to eat after the challenge, but check out the types of things on it:
  • turkey stir-fry
  • soft shell taco's made with coconut flour
  • more black rice
  • buddha bowls
  • green smoothies!
  • stuff with rice malt syrup!
(Note that broccoli frittata doesn't make an appearance).

Also, we had Bears at F45 today.  18 exercises, 2 sets at each, 35 and 55 seconds.  There was a point during, where I was almost crying, and I imagined Mel looking at me and asking if I was okay, and that made me laugh.  Because yes, I was okay, just pushing my limits :)

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