Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wellington - The City of Stubbed Toes

Coming from The City of the Future (Hamiltron), to the City of Stubbed Toes, has been a somewhat painful and messy experience. Almost everyday I end up hobbling around with blood dripping from one or other of my feet. And they're not things that disappear over night either. Today I am nursing a wounded big toe on my right foot, and the second leftie. I've tried a variety of shoes too. I have managed to injure myself wearing jandals, sandals, slip-ons and in bare feet.


This is not looking good for the gorgeous peeptoe wedges I bought for the wedding - less than 2 weeks away now!! I leave you wondering what surprises Wellingtons curbs, pavements, speedbumps and ramps have in store for my tootsies today....?

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