Monday, May 26, 2008

Sad Bad news.

Good Morning!
Oh poos. Now it is 12pm and am just finishing up checking my emails and checking out 1-day, bebo, and facebook. OH facebook, haven't checked that one!
Anyway, now I'm just heading into my last 2 weeks of semester - so many assignments, many tests, a few presentations... and then a couple of weeks off before my 1 exam. And then it's research research research before back to Uni for my final semester of my degree! :-) Hurray!!
In bad news, I have been neglecting my craftiness - no knitting, no crochet. Actually have written a few poems so I guess that's cool. Just Uni is getting SO busy! so so busy! but not in a bad way, I am okay, the stress is not at breaking point yet!
In gooder news (yes, gooder, like gouda cheese), Luke is coming to stay! Luke is one of my 2 best friends - Stella being the other, with several other close friends! anyway, Luke is moving to the gold coast to live with his parents for a while, and I haven't seen him in ages already, so it is actually quite sad. But he will be arriving not this wednesday but the following one, or thursday, and then I will drive him up to Auckland on the Saturday night and watch him fly out :'(
I am actually going to be quite gutted. But I will deal with that at the time.
Now. Some terrible news. In 2006 I lived at Orchard Park at the University of Waikato - Uni flats. My flatmate was a guy called Benjamin Urry - a 2nd-3rd year accountant from Gisbourne. He was one of most loveliest guys I have ever met - always smiling, always caring. We lived together the entire school year, and have had the odd coffee and christmas card since then, although have not really been close friends. On Tuesday last week his body was found in a river between Napier and Gisbourne. There is not much information yet, but it is said he slipped, fell into the river, and drowned. Because I haven't talked to Ben in awhile, and we weren't all chummy, I am sad, but I am not devastated. The real tragedy is that Ben himself now has no future. He had big plans; he had just started his career in Tauranga, and I don't think he had met anyone to marry yet. He was the kind of guy that everyone just counts on to be there, and he deserved happiness. I am so ANGRY that all of this got stolen from him! And of course, my heart goes out to his parents and brothers. How utterly horrible.
RIP Ben - although your life on Earth was cut short, I hope things are bitch'n where you are. xx

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

fire ! pretty ! maths ! pretty ! ...?

Today i totally made fire at uni. My leaf-tree drying-then-burning-then-weighing-ash-to-get-calorific-values project is coming to fruition. Today I got to burn the first of 2 sets of tree matter - and oh did i burn them. I lined up all my crucibles in the furnace and got to watch them burn everytime i opened the door to get some out/put some in. The fire was so pretty! it was highly exciting! at first, i was a bit alarmed because i wasn't sure if things were supposed to actually be on fire, and i thought i might burn down the entire large scale lab. But then i realised that when you put dry leaves and wood at 500 degrees celcius, it is pretty obvious that they will catch fire. So once i figured my lecturer and the lab technician knew it would catch fire, and that this was normal, i had a ball! AND i get to do it again next tuesday with the second set! Hurray!!
Now. in other news. Go here. Totally. it is mind boggling. and reminds me why i want to be a philosopher.
even though i don't know how to be a philosopher. can you really get paid to think? i would earn mega-bucks, because i overthink everything.

Friday, May 16, 2008

boys i like.... hurray! (this means any boys in my life)

this morning it came to my attention (thank you stella) that there are a number of boys i have my eye on. I feel this is not a indication of the talent i am surrounded with, but merely how my boredom leads to a roving eye. I think i like the idea of liking someone, even if i don't actually like the person themselves. Right. Let me describe the current victims of my razor blade stare.
EDIT - just realised the boys under debate will probably know i am talking about them, so have added in boys that are just my friends as well.
Boy number 1) - let's call him BN1 (creative, i know). He lives in Wellington, and has been on this list for the last 13 years. He's not really a true candidate. I just like him.
Boy number 2) - BN2 lives in Hamilton, and does Science (hurray!). He likes playing sports which is good, I like sports, and he makes me laugh.
Boy number 3) - BN3 lives in Hamilton. He is the one i am probably better friends with. Even though i don't really know him. But he is cool to talk to, so that is something.
Boy number 4) - BN4 lives in Rotorua and he is hot. Tried dating him for a while and that didn't work out, but whenever I hit the clubs in Vegas I am on the lookout for him :-)
Boy number 5) - BN5 from Auckland - this one is actually an old Boy that is not on this list anymore, but I thought it would be good to mention him as we are much better friends now i am not trying to kiss him all the time..... weirdo....
Boy number 6) - this is BN6 from Wellington - I just met him. He is very nice, and seems quite smart. Which is good. Don't really know this guy so don't have much to say about him - but definately needs to be on this list!
Boy number 7) - BN7 eats rice and peas. He sometimes showers with his clothes on. I may have made BN7 up.
Boy number 8) - BN8. He lives in Wellington, and he is tall. and pretty. and i like him.... BN8 is one of those guys that you spend a lot of time talking to, but don't really know where you stand with them.
Boy number 9) - BN9 is my favourite number. He lives in the South Island. I haven't talked to him in a few months. BN9 is from my High School, and we didn't get along that well until a few years ago. It would be cool to hang out with him more but he is so far away that i will just have to stare at him longingly.
Boy number 10) - BN10 is awesome. He lives in Wellington, but is moving soon. He is always around when I need to talk to him about stuff, and he is one of the 4 people I would say truely know me.
RIGHT. I think that is enough procrastination for one morning. I am officially assigning myself to my assignment. Oceanic Tidal Energies - here I come!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Speed-dating? Speed-Blogging!


hello friends of mine! So my tree project is going good, my computer game is finished and i am onto writing websites, and my research project is still at a standstill. The knitting and crochet are on hold, I have two Jodi Picoult books that are half-read, and I am trying to learn Latin on the side. My room is a pig-sty (as usual), my bedsheets need washing, the clothes on my floor need putting away, my desk needs ordering, and my "craft corner" in my wardrobe needs a huge overhaul. I have a stupid assignment on tidal energy that needs doing, and I still haven't figured out how many hours I have worked so I can put my payslip in. Boys=zero.

I should probably continue with my bid to get funding for 2009-Melbourne as well.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

uh oh.....

some of the bark we separated to air-dry is growing mould....

Monday, May 5, 2008

pathetic blog. do not read.


I JUST WROTE AN ENTIRE BLOG AND FREAKEN DELETED IT! i am going to cry. seriously. i was just up to the part where i say i am having a shit evening. i swore even, that's how bad. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHH
but i feel i must update my avid readers. bullet point form?
Monday - 5 lab reports, in, good.
- 2am finish in computer lab working on comp game
Tuesday - 2 am finish in computer lab again
Wedneday - 5am finish in computer lab
Thursday - 3 hours sleep, catch bus to auckland
- see stell in her graduation gown and cap - yay! so proud of her! really made me think about how admirable it is to have a degree. yes you ashley.
- see mark and blake, mark graduating too. blake = loser like me.
- 15 mins sleep. hurray!
- off to stella's grad dinner at thai restaurant
- wine
- bed at midnight
Friday - awaken. catch ride to hamilton
- write report quickly
- give presentation on computer game
- spend 2 hours sorting leaves, bark, and wood from bags of mulched up tree. hurray. i love studying environmental engineering. This involved peeling sticks with a knife. that was pretty cool actually.
Saturday - shopping with alice
- hanging out with nolan
Sunday - tidy room - epic as. ie: desk still not done.
Monday - another day i was determined to make great. walk to school, and stayed, working, until 5pm. Got home, cooked dinner, wine, was great, until depression set in. got real lonely, had a bit of a bitch about everything, realised i was being a dork, and went back to just being lonely. wrote some poems - not really about being lonely, but oh well.
So the evening has turned out poo. I am sick of being single. 3 and a half years is too long. Where are all my boyfriends? where? Apply within.