Saturday, May 16, 2009


Hi everyone !
Oh boy I really do love this no-University thing. It's Saturday morning in the Farnham household, and we are all chilling - Nikki's graffiti kniting, Jute's in the shower, and me and Gaz are listening to and discussing rapper wars - particularly the tracks that went down between Notorious BIG and Tupac. It is freaken ridiculous! East Coast and West Coast hate each other and all the rappers write songs to bitch about it... Oh! Now Gaz finds me a song by Jedi Mind Tricks that's pretty much talking about all the crap that goes down - it seems they are an underground band that doesn't get too caught up in the "politics" of rap.
Anyway, last night Caleb and Merine came down from Hamilton and we ate dinner and had some wine and watched TV / movies... Today is SELINA'S BIRTHDAY!!!! She's my new(ish) friend from work, she's pretty much awesome. And tonight we have our staff function - McKinley Cup Carnival - no one is sure what we are in for but we are all excited!
Have a great weekend guys xox

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