Monday, May 21, 2018

Good Morning America! (Or Australia)


It is Monday 21st May 2018, and I believe it has been a whole WEEK since you've heard from me.  That means we have just started week FIVE of the challenge, meaning that yes, I have had my mid-point body scan.

I'll cut to it shall I?

Overall:                                  84.1kg down to 79.0kg             = 5.1kg loss
Body Fat Percentage:              39.1% down to 32.6%              = 6.5% loss
Skeletal Muscle Mass:             28.2kg up to 29.7kg                  = 1.5kg gain

Pretty Effin Amazing, by all accounts!

This means my last week (week 4) I lost 1.1kg, and explains what was happening in that third week where I didn't lose anything (I was building muscle).

Husby and I went out to the movies on Saturday night in celebration, and I took along my afternoon snack which was protein balls - worked really well!  He supported me by taking snacks from home as well, FOUR bags of beef jerky - but he was kind enough to get the spicy kind, that I don't like.  He then bought Coke (I don't like fizzy drinks) and I got a new Pump water bottle - perfect date night if I do say so myself!

Cravings wise I am totally fine for 90% of the day, but in the evenings, just before bed, far out do I want a burger.  Or a Kiwi Big Breakfast.  Or Crisps.  Basically salt, carbohydrate, meat, fat - that's what I'm all about at 10pm.  I have been putting more and more (Himalayan) salt on my meals, and I don't think that's a bad thing considering I am still not cooking with salt, and clearly my processed food intake has been eliminated in the last month.  I haven't really touched the vaporizer (wait, have I even spoken about this before?  Hold up!).  At the start of the challenge I started vaping - this is inhaling the fumes from burning oils in a little machine.  It is an alternative to smoking cigarettes, which is why we had one (Roger).  We had a variety of oils - including "Grape Hubba Bubba", which has no nicotine in it at all.  I did a bit of research, and basically, vaping hasn't been around long enough and/or there haven't been enough studies to show whether it is good or bad for you.  They do know it is better than smoking cigarettes (but obviously that isn't the comparison I need).  Many women ask whether it is safe to do throughout pregnancy, and the answer is unknown - it isn't NO, but it may not be YES.  There are reports that it isn't carcinogenic, and it doesn't impair lung function.  Anyways, I started vaping - only in the evenings, and not every evening.  Sometimes I would just have 1-2 puffs and it would be enough to curb the cravings.  Sometimes I would hold on to it for a few hours, which is somewhat equivalent to a shisha session (hookah).  What I found is that it really helped me get through that first week and a half, when I was battling with that hand-to-mouth type food addiction.  Since then, I have had a couple of days where I have used it, but for the most part I have gone weeks without using it.  It's great to have there as a back stop - knowing that I have a fail-safe if I give in to my cravings.  Anyway, I'm considering purchasing some of the savory flavoured oils to help with these late night cravings - I'm sure they have bacon!

I just had my Monday morning weigh in, and I am 78.85kg and 31.6% body fat according to my scales.  On Saturday I did a direct comparison between my scales and the body scan, and it seemed like my scales weigh about 400g heavier, and about 1% lower in body fat.  So that's about right, I'm a bit lighter this morning but nothing to write home about.

I spoke to a friend of mine who did the last challenge, asking about the first half versus the second half.  He said the second half was harder, particularly the last 2 weeks where it changes to high protein low carbohydrate.  I'm not too worried about that, but I have changed my 8 week goals.  I am no longer focusing on any real numbers.  My priority is to make it to 8 weeks while maintaining commitment to the meal plans.  I want to be able to say "I had control over what went into my body for 8 weeks".  That will be the real winner for me!  Weight wise, 10kg is looking within reach, but I am just conscious that I am already putting 100% into it, and I know that the 2.7kg loss in week 1 will not be repeated as that was basically a detox phase.  I don't want to put pressure on myself - I expect myself to continue giving it 100%, and if that results in 10kg loss then great, but if I don't lose that much, that's great too.

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