Friday, March 28, 2008

Great Day!

Today went excellently. I got up early and went swimming, then went into Uni and had a hot chocolate with a friend of mine, Jenna. I went into a computer lab class and got another 3rd of my half-semester's work signed off, and then headed to a CAKE meeting. CAKE is something to do with composites - that's what I study, that's what I like. but we also got CAKE.

Then I headed to my lab - this took 3 and a half hours, but it wasn't too bad. Then I went off to find Alice's new house, and took her shopping for her friend's 21st, and then out to dinner. NOW I am home. Phew!

Tomorrow, I am driving back to Rotorua. I am going to be a part of Relay for Life - Fundraising for Cancer by running for 24 hours - the team, not an individual. I am quite excited! First I will hang my washing on the line though, that'll be good.

Right. Time to sort out my awesome enviro engineering crap.


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